
Article Source:人文科学研究院Release Time:2021-12-06Views:630


课程名称:初级日语I    Elementary Japanese 1 





This class aims to acquire elementary knowledge of Japanese grammar and expression from zero level, based on gradually accumulated knowledge of words and grammar. In this method of structural syllabus, knowledge about smallest unit of language, such as Japanese Alphabet would furtherly lead to understanding meaning in sentence level, and furtherly to paragraph, as larger unit of language.

As opposite to this decomposing process of language, this class also intakes top-down method to focus on pragmatic and functional aspect of language forms, which would enable learners to practice acquired words and grammar in real setting. Especially Active-Learning, such as listening, tasks, small composition, and cultural talk would be occasionally introduced, so that learners can convey the meaningful interaction in naturally situated occasion, by utilizing a certain limited number of words and language forms. Then, this process also would enable learners to state or describe their feeling and thought, by using acquired grammar and word, not just as knowledge, but as a tool for real communication.

Eventually, this class seeks for learners to habituate their autonomy in language learning, which continues even after their completion of this course.


Kaoru Amino 網野薰菊  教学副教授



