Yuxi Liu
Assistant professor (tenure-track)
Institute of Humanities, ShanghaiTech University (China)
2014.09– 2019.09: Ph.D. in history at University of Québec at Montréal (Canada) & University of Angers (France). Mention: Excellent.
2013.09–2014.09: Master’s degree in Humanities and Social Sciences (research) at University of Angers (France). Specialty in History and Social Regulations. Mention: Très bien.
2011.09–2014.06: Master’s Degree in World History at University of Shandong (China).
2007.09–2011.06: Bachelor’s Degree in World History at Normal University of Tianjin (China).
Publications (selected)
Liu,Y. (2022). Les Relations Québec Chine à l’heure de la Révolution tranquille, Montreal: Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2022.
Liu,Y. (2018). Au pays de l’avenir radieux. Voyages des Québécois enChine populaire (1971-1975). Revued’histoire de l’Amérique française,71 (3-4), pp. 133-156.
Liu,Y. (2018). Compte rendu de Warren, Jean-Philippe et Andrée Fortin.Pratiques et discours de la contreculture au Québec. Cahiersd’histoire,vol. XXXIV, n°34-spécial (La société au miroir du discours hagiographique), pp. 203-206.
Work and internship experience (selected)
2020.08– present: assistant professor, Institute of Humanities, ShanghaiTech University (China)
2019.09– 2020.07: research and communication assistant, UNESCO Liaison Office in Geneva (Switzerland)
2012/09–2014.06: lecturer in Chinese language and culture, Institute of Living Foreign Languages, Catholic University of the West (France)