Yawen Zou

Article Source:人文科学研究院英文网Release Time:2022-11-23Views:12

YawenZou CV 5


Instituteof Humanities, ShanghaiTech Unviersity


Professional Employment

Tenure-trackAssistant Professor

Instituteof Humanities, ShanghaiTech University (July 2021 to current)


Schoolof Humanities and Social Sciences, TheChineseUniversity of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (June 2016 to July 2021)


Ph.D.in History and Philosophy of Science (2016)

Centerfor Biology and Society, Schoolof Life Sciences, ArizonaState University, Tempe, USA

Dissertation:UsingAComputational Approach to Study the History of Systems Biology: FromSystems to Biology, 1992-2013.

M.Phil in Philosophy of Science (2011)

Schoolof Humanities and Development, China Agricultural University,Beijing, China

Thesis:PhilosophicalReflections on Genomics

B.S. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2009)

Schoolof Life Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China

Thesis:Cloningthe Immunoglobulin Protein CD1 in Snake

Research Interests

Philosophyof biology; History of biology; Scienceand policy in China;Digitalhumanities;Scientometrics



1.Zou, Yawen. “A bibliometric study on the R&D funding andacademic research performance in Shenzhen.” Scienceand Public Policy1(1) (2022): 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scab092.(SSCI)

2Zou Yawen,and Manfred D. Laubichler. “From systems to biology: Acomputational analysis of the research articles on systems biologyfrom 1992 to 2013.” PLoSOne13(7) (2018): e0200929. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0200929.(SCI)

3.Zou,Yawen, and Manfred D. Laubichler. “Measuring the contributions ofChinese scholars to the research field of systems biology from 2005to 2013.” Scientometrics110.3(2017):1615-1631.(SSCI&SCIE)

4.Zou, Yawen, and Gong Feng. “Genome Archaeology: Digging the Vestigeof Ancestors from Extant Organisms.” ZiranBianzhengfa Yanjiu[Studiesin Dialects of Nature]11 (2010): 93–98. (CSSCI)

5.Zou, Yawen, and Peng Tian. “Dancing with Mosquitoes: Cracking theSecrets of the West Nile Virus.” KexueXinwen[ScienceNews Biweekly]17 (2010): 27–31.

6.Zou, Yawen, and Peng Tian. “FDA Commissioner Pay a Low-key Visit inChina.” KexueXinwen [ScienceNews Biweekly]16 (2010): 46–47. 


1.Zou, Yawen. “Richard Goldschmidt (1878–1958).” In: Nuno de laRosa L., Müller G. (eds) EvolutionaryDevelopmental Biology.Cham: Springer, 2019.

2.Zou, Yawen,and She-heng Chen. “Has Homo economicus evolved into Homosapiens from 1992 to 2014: What does corpus linguistics say?”In Chen, S.-H. (Eds.), Bigdata in computational social science and humanities. NewYork: Springer, 2018, pp. 117-137.

3.Zou, Yawen. “Gavin de Beer (1899–1972).” In: Nuno de la RosaL., Müller G. (eds) EvolutionaryDevelopmental Biology.Cham: Springer, 2018.

Peer-reviewedEncyclopedia Articles

1.Zou,Yawen, "The Germ-Plasm: a Theory of Heredity (1893), by AugustWeismann". EmbryoProject Encyclopedia (2015-01-26).ISSN: 1940-5030.

2. Zou,Yawen, "Charles Darwin's Theory of Pangenesis". EmbryoProject Encyclopedia(2014-07-20). ISSN: 1940-5030.

3. Zou,Yawen, “Green Fluorescent Protein.” EmbryoProject Encyclopedia (2014-06-11).ISSN: 1940-5030.

4. Zou,Yawen, “August Friedrich Leopold Weismann (1834-1914).” EmbryoProject Encyclopedia (2014-05-23).ISSN: 1940-5030.

5. Zou,Yawen, “Dizhou Tong (1902-1979).” EmbryoProject Encyclopedia (2014-02-18). ISSN:1940-5030.

6. Zou,Yawen, “‘Development, Plasticity and Evolution of ButterflyEyespot Patterns’ (1996), by Paul M. Brakefield, et al.” EmbryoProject Encyclopedia (2013-09-10).ISSN: 1940-5030.


1.Zou,Yawen, and Qi Xiaomiao. “5C Laws in Business Success” KexueXinwen [ScienceNews Biweekly]17 (2010): 44-45.

Conference Presentationsand Talks

1."Anthropocene from the perspective of East Asia -- abibliometric analysis based on data from Web of Science." Paperpresented at Nanjing Forum 2021 (December 11-12, 2021). NanjingUniversity and Cui Zhongxian Academy, Nanjing University, Nanjing,Jiangsu province.

2."Opportunities and challenges faced by the computational historyof science in the era of big data" Paper presented at the thirdChina Digital Humanities Conference (November 6-7, 2021). ResearchInstitute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanjing University,Nanjing, Jiangsu province

3."A bibliometric study on public R & D funds and academicresearch performance in China's emerging Silicon Valley –Shenzhen." Paper presented at the 17th Annual Conference onScience and Technology Policy and Management in China (October 16-17,2021). China Society for Science and Technology Policy andManagement, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, Guangdong province.

4.“The Philosophical Issues Concerning CRISPR gene editing.” Paperpresented at the Nineth National Conference on Philosophy of Biology(May 7-9, 2021). South China Normal University, Guangzhou, GuangdongProvince.   

5.“Studyof Grant Proposals for Digital Humanities Courses in Taiwan”(Co-author Shu-heng Chen). Paper presented at the2018Digitorium Conference (October 4 – 6, 2018). University of Alabama,Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

6.“History of Governmental Funding in Shenzhen: Analyzing the R&DStructure and Effects through the Spatial Analysis of Metadata ofResearch Literature.” Paper presented at the 8th InternationalConference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities (November 29 –December 1, 2017). National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.

7.“The Philosophical Discussion on the Anthropocene.” Paperpresented at the Eighteenth National Conference on Philosophy ofScience (August 25-August 27, 2017). University of Nanjing, Jiangsuprovince, China.

8. “FromHomoeconomicusto Homosapiens:What Does Corpus Linguistics Say?” (Co-author Shu-heng Chen). Paperpresented at the 2016 Digitorium Conference (March 3 – March 5,2016). University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.

9.“Studying the History of Systems Biology Using ComputationalLinguistics and Network Analysis.” Poster presentedat theConference of Complex Systems (September 28 - October 2, 2015).ComplexSystems Society, Tempe,Arizona.

10. “FromSystems-Oriented to Biology-Oriented: A Bibliographic Analysis toReveal the History of Systems Biology from 1992-2013.” Paperpresented at the International Society of History, Philosophy, andSocial Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) 2015 Annual Conference (July6-10, 2015). ISHPSSB, Montreal, Ontario, Canada.

11. “ItIs Not a Debate: Vaccines, Evolution and GMOs.” Talk given at thePhoenix Comicon Science Panel (May 10, 2015). Phoenix ComiconCommittee, Phoenix, Arizona.

12. "FromSystems-Oriented to Biology-Oriented: History of Systems Biology from1992 to 2013." Poster presented at the 2015 AmericanAssociation of Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting (February12-16, 2015). AAAS. San Jose, California.

Teaching Interests

Philosophyof Biology; Approaches in Digital Humanities; Biologyand Society; Historyof Biology

Teaching Experience andTraining

Lecturer,Instituteof Humanities, ShanghaiTech

GEHA1004:Science, Technology and Civilization (Fall2021, Spring 2022)

Lecturer,Schoolof Humanities and Social Science, Chinese University of Hong Kong,Shenzhen

GFN1000: InDialogue with Nature (Spring2017, Fall 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Fall2019, Spring 2021)

GEB2201:Evolution and Environment (Fall2016,Spring 2018)

GEB2204: Evolutionand Society(Spring 2021, Summer 2021)

TeachingAssistant,School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University

BIO311/HPS 340: Biologyand Society(Fall 2011, Fall 2012, Fall 2013, Fall 2014, Fall 2015)

HPS322: Historyof Science(Spring 2012)

Computer Skills

Programminglanguage: Python

Networkanalysis: Cytoscape, Ora, Gephi, Vogon, Quadriga

Datamining: ConText, Mallet.

GISanalysis: QGIS,GoogleMaps.

Bibliographicanalysis: CiteSpace, Tethne, VOSviewer

Computationallinguistics: Wordsmith, AntConc

Others:Wolfram Mathematica, HTML, Windows Word, Windows Excel
