QiangWang, Teaching Assistant Professor
Sep.2017–Jun.2021 Ph.D in Logic, Peking University
Sep.2019–Sep.2020 Visiting PhD. Student, Leiden University
Sep.2014–Jun.2017 Master of Philosophy in Logic, Peking University
Sep.2009–Jun.2013 Bachelor of Philosophy, Peking University
Sep.2009–Jun.2013 Bachelor of Medicine, Peking University
Areasof Specialization:
AncientChinese Logic, Mohist Logic, Aristotelian Logic
Aristotle’sDivision Lattice and Aristotelian Logic. Studiesin Logic,11(4), 2018. (in Chinese)
Organonand Aristotelian logic. Presentation at the 24th World Congress ofPhilosophy.