Jingyue Wu

Article Source:人文科学研究院英文网Release Time:2022-11-24Views:42

Jingyue Wu

Assistant Professor of English and Eighteenth-Century Studies

Email wujy2@shanghaitech.edu.cn

Room E112 SCA East Building


Dr Jingyue Wu is an Assistant Professor of English and Eighteenth-Century Studies at ShanghaiTech University. He did his undergraduate studies in Shanghai (Fudan University) and postgraduate studies in the United Kingdom (the University of Bristol and the University of Oxford). His main research interests include Restoration and eighteenth-century English literature and history; literature and politics; classical reception; women’s writing; the history of criticism; the history of reading; book history and textual studies; and digital humanities.

Selected Publications

Curae non ipsa in Morte relinquunt”: Jansenism and Elizabeth Singer Rowe’s Fiction (1728-32), Studies in Philology 118.2 (Spring 2021), 399-423.

Nobilitas sola est atq; unica Virtus”: Spying and the Politics of Virtue in The Golden Spy; or, A Political Journal of the British Nights Entertainments (1709), Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 40.2 (June 2017), 237-253.
