Education as the foundation, quality as the soul: The Institute of Humanities’ First Course Evaluation

Article Source:人文科学研究院英文网Release Time:2023-03-09Views:12

Education is the foundation, quality is the soul. The quality of education is the lifeline of university teaching work. On the evening of March 7, 2023, the dean of the Institute of Humanities, Zhang Rulun, led the teachers of the Institute in conducting the first course evaluation activity of the 2023 spring semester, encouraging professors to improve their level of teaching competence.

On that day, all teachers of the Institute came to Assistant Professor Tu Dongdong's course World Archaeology. Teachers carefully listened, observing the characteristics of the course teaching method, teacher-student interaction, etc. After class, President Zhang Rulun and all the teachers commented on Professor Tu’s class and teaching methodology, offering many valuable opinions and suggestions.

In the review session after class, Dean Zhang Rulun approved Professor Tu's style of teaching without the use of notes, his effective use of time, and other positive aspects of his pedagogical approach. In terms of teaching methods, Dean Zhang suggested that all teachers of the school not only use Powerpoint slides, but encouraged them to also periodically make use of the blackboard to refine and emphasize key points, and to better focus students' attention on the critical themes being covered.

In addition, Dean Zhang also stressed that professors should not only teach students how to understand the facts being presented, but to help them absorb the underlying wisdom conveyed by that knowledge.

It is important for teachers to learn from each other, to exchange the strengths of their teaching approaches, and to study teaching methodology as used in real classrooms.  In this class evaluation activity, all of the teachers benefitted a lot. As one of the key activities in 2023, the course evaluation activities of the Institute of Humanities will continue to be carried out.
