Yuan Fang
Teaching Assistant Professor, Institute of Humanities, Shanghaitech University
2016-2022, Ph.D, School of History, Nanjing University.
2011-2014,MA, Chu Culture Research Institute, Hubei Academia of Social Sciences.
2006-2011,BA, School of History, Wuhan University.
Research Areas:
Fang Yuan focuses on the history of ethnicity, social history and Buddhism in China from the 3rd to the 9th centuries. He seeks to combine historiography and religious studies, breaking with the dynastic view of history and observing ancient Chinese society through religion. He has a great interest in the exchange of ancient Chinese and Japanese civilizations, especially the flow of Buddhist literature. He is also concerned with the general consciousness of society as seen in online fiction.
1、A Study of the History of Wholesome Morality of the Bodhisattvas: Based on the Discussion of the Repentance Sutra Included in It's Preface《〈菩萨善戒经〉的成立史研究:以〈序品〉所见忏悔法为中心》,《文史》(待刊)。
2、The Self-awareness of the South—The Practice-oriented Buddhism in the Southern Dynasty as Seen in Fu Dashi’s Community《南方的自觉——傅大士教团所见南朝实践性佛教》,《魏晋南北朝隋唐史资料》第48辑,2023年(待刊)。
3、The Extraterritorial Origin and Local Reconstruction of Chinese Arhat Belief《中国罗汉信仰的域外起源及本土再造——以十六、十八罗汉的生成路径为中心》,《西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2022年第3期。(第二作者)
4、On the Transformation of the Image of Monks in the Western and Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties from the Deeds of Qi Yu: A Perspective of Buddhism in Chinese Context 《从耆域事迹管窥两晋南朝僧人形象转变:佛教中国化的一个视角》,《世界宗教文化》2022年第1期。
5、A Penny Bank with Inscription in the Year of 849: Alms Solicitation and the Restoration of the Chinese Buddhist Canon after the Great Anti-Buddhist Persecution. 《会昌法难后地方僧人募缘复藏研究——从唐大中三年潭州道林寺铭文扑满谈起》,《魏晋南北朝隋唐史资料》第39辑,2019年。