Our Professor Yinli Wang has published an article in the Journal of Philosophical Analysis

Article Source:人文科学研究院英文网Release Time:2023-05-05Views:10

Recently, Yinli Wang, Associate Professor in the Institute of Humanities at ShanghaiTech University, has published her research in the Journal of Philosophical Analysis

Information of Professor Amino's article is as follows:

Title: A Comparison on Heidegger and Arendt’s Interpretations of Book X of Augustine’s Confessions


Heidegger and Arendt both interpreted Book X of Augustine’s Confessions from experience of the factical life in their texts on Augustine: Augustine and Neo-Platonism and Love and St. Augustine. Through hermeneutical reading of Augustine’s “the happy life”, their interpretations respectively lead to phenomenological explanation of “temptation” or “love”. This article illustrates that Heidegger’s phenomenology of temptation” attaches importance to “temptation” as essence of the factical life, whileanalysi Arendt’s s of love focuses on self-reflection and construction of self-identity through memory. It is in her doctoral dissertation on St. Augustine that Arendt begins to distinguish herself from Heidegger’s understanding of the world, whichmakes a preparation for her political thought about “amor mundi”.

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